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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100883297

Words: didactics, education, educational_activity, instruction, pedagogy, teaching

Gloss: the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded"

hypernym 100407535 - activity
derivationally related 301324131 - didactic, didactical
derivationally related 302945971 - pedagogic, pedagogical
derivationally related 302945971 - pedagogic, pedagogical
derivationally related 200829107 - instruct, learn, teach
derivationally related 302981759 - instructional
derivationally related 200829107 - instruct, learn, teach
derivationally related 301324565 - educational
derivationally related 110045454 - educationalist, educationist
derivationally related 110045454 - educationalist, educationist
derivationally related 202387486 - educate
derivationally related 200603298 - develop, educate, prepare, train
member topic 100611433 - education
part meronym 100728849 - classroom_project
part meronym 100728975 - classwork
part meronym 100729108 - homework, prep, preparation
part meronym 100729285 - lesson
hyponym 100884202 - coeducation
hyponym 100884311 - continuing_education
hyponym 100884466 - class, course, course_of_instruction, course_of_study
hyponym 100885858 - elementary_education
hyponym 100886039 - extension, extension_service, university_extension
hyponym 100886272 - extracurricular_activity
hyponym 100886699 - higher_education
hyponym 100886807 - secondary_education
hyponym 100887702 - team_teaching
hyponym 100891071 - work-study_program
member topic 105664640 - point_system
member topic 105753564 - education
member topic 105909730 - academic_program
member topic 108132637 - Department_of_Education, Education, Education_Department
member topic 113323988 - tuition, tuition_fee

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