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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100803617

Words: control

Gloss: the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable"

hypernym 100407535 - activity
derivationally related 201803936 - control, keep_in_line, manipulate
hyponym 100420712 - repression
hyponym 100804180 - crowd_control
hyponym 100804271 - damage_control
hyponym 100804379 - federalisation, federalization
hyponym 100804535 - flight_control
hyponym 100804708 - flood_control
hyponym 100804909 - imperialism
hyponym 100805034 - regulating, regulation
hyponym 100806075 - internal_control
hyponym 100806902 - regularisation, regularization, regulation
hyponym 100809465 - ownership, possession
hyponym 100809702 - possession
hyponym 100811036 - power_trip
hyponym 100812154 - riot_control, riot_control_operation
hyponym 100812274 - grasping, prehension, seizing, taking_hold
hyponym 100815173 - steerage, steering
hyponym 100815320 - direction, guidance, steering
hyponym 101069578 - self-control, self-denial, self-discipline
hyponym 101070432 - traffic_control
hyponym 101070708 - price-fixing
hyponym 101145359 - restraint

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