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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100566298

Words: return

Gloss: a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"

hypernym 100566135 - tennis_shot, tennis_stroke
part holonym 100482298 - lawn_tennis, tennis
hyponym 100566690 - backhand, backhand_shot, backhand_stroke
hyponym 100566889 - chop, chop_shot
hyponym 100567044 - drive
hyponym 100567280 - dink, drop_shot
hyponym 100567418 - forehand, forehand_shot, forehand_stroke
hyponym 100567896 - get
hyponym 100568286 - ground_stroke
hyponym 100569234 - half_volley
hyponym 100569361 - lob
hyponym 100569474 - overhead, smash
hyponym 100569608 - passing_shot
hyponym 100569733 - volley

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