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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100074790

Words: bloomer, blooper, blunder, boner, boo-boo, botch, bungle, flub, foul-up, fuckup, pratfall

Gloss: an embarrassing mistake

hypernym 100070965 - error, fault, mistake
derivationally related 302229000 - botchy, butcherly, unskillful
derivationally related 202527651 - ball_up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix_up, bollocks, bollocks_up, botch, botch_up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul_up, fuck_up, fumble, louse_up, mess_up, mishandle, muck_up, muff, screw_up, spoil
derivationally related 202527651 - ball_up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix_up, bollocks, bollocks_up, botch, botch_up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul_up, fuck_up, fumble, louse_up, mess_up, mishandle, muck_up, muff, screw_up, spoil
derivationally related 202527651 - ball_up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix_up, bollocks, bollocks_up, botch, botch_up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul_up, fuck_up, fumble, louse_up, mess_up, mishandle, muck_up, muff, screw_up, spoil
derivationally related 202527651 - ball_up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix_up, bollocks, bollocks_up, botch, botch_up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul_up, fuck_up, fumble, louse_up, mess_up, mishandle, muck_up, muff, screw_up, spoil
derivationally related 202527651 - ball_up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix_up, bollocks, bollocks_up, botch, botch_up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul_up, fuck_up, fumble, louse_up, mess_up, mishandle, muck_up, muff, screw_up, spoil
derivationally related 200013172 - bungle
derivationally related 202566227 - blunder, boob, drop_the_ball, goof, sin
hyponym 100071864 - bobble
hyponym 100075283 - snafu
hyponym 100075471 - spectacle
hyponym 100075790 - bull
hyponym 100075912 - fumble, muff
hyponym 100076072 - fluff
hyponym 100076196 - faux_pas, gaffe, gaucherie, slip, solecism
hyponym 100076323 - howler
hyponym 100076393 - clanger
hyponym 100076563 - misstep, stumble, trip, trip-up

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