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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301646941

Words: immature, young

Gloss: (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people"

also see 301489722 - immature
also see 302100709 - junior
also see 301640850 - new
attribute 104924103 - age
domain topic 100004258 - animate_thing, living_thing
derivationally related 114425974 - immatureness, immaturity
derivationally related 107944050 - young, youth
derivationally related 104928416 - youngness
antonym 301643620 - old
similar to 301647601 - one-year-old
similar to 301647675 - two-year-old
similar to 301647750 - three-year-old
similar to 301647829 - four-year-old
similar to 301647906 - five-year-old
similar to 301647983 - adolescent, teen, teenage, teenaged
similar to 301648189 - infantile
similar to 301648313 - boyish, boylike, schoolboyish
similar to 301648491 - childlike, childly
similar to 301648617 - early
similar to 301648698 - girlish, schoolgirlish
similar to 301648891 - junior
similar to 301649031 - little, small
similar to 301649184 - newborn
similar to 301649271 - preadolescent, preteen
similar to 301649469 - puppyish, puppylike
similar to 301649561 - tender
similar to 301649651 - youngish
similar to 301649720 - vernal, young, youthful

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