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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109796323

Words: anthropologist

Gloss: a social scientist who specializes in anthropology

hypernym 110619642 - social_scientist
derivationally related 106143546 - anthropology
hyponym 109804806 - archaeologist, archeologist
hyponym 110065643 - ethnographer
hyponym 110065758 - ethnologist
hyponym 110618465 - cultural_anthropologist, social_anthropologist
instance hyponym 110844401 - Benedict, Ruth_Benedict, Ruth_Fulton
instance hyponym 110864428 - Brinton, Daniel_Garrison_Brinton
instance hyponym 110864858 - Broca, Pierre-Paul_Broca
instance hyponym 110979694 - Frazer, James_George_Frazer, Sir_James_George_Frazer
instance hyponym 111048586 - Heyerdahl, Thor_Hyerdahl
instance hyponym 111110917 - Alfred_Kroeber, Alfred_Louis_Kroeber, Kroeber
instance hyponym 111121640 - Leakey, Louis_Leakey, Louis_Seymour_Bazett_Leakey
instance hyponym 111121876 - Leakey, Mary_Douglas_Leakey, Mary_Leakey
instance hyponym 111122114 - Leakey, Richard_Erskine_Leakey, Richard_Leakey
instance hyponym 111130113 - Claude_Levi-Strauss, Levi-Strauss
instance hyponym 111151579 - Bronislaw_Kasper_Malinowski, Bronislaw_Malinowski, Malinowski
instance hyponym 111170248 - Margaret_Mead, Mead
instance hyponym 111186356 - Ashley_Montagu, Montagu
instance hyponym 111191113 - Lewis_Henry_Morgan, Morgan
instance hyponym 111281174 - Edward_Sapir, Sapir

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