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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108081668

Words: faith, organized_religion, religion

Gloss: an institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him"

hypernym 108053576 - establishment, institution
derivationally related 302056265 - religious, spiritual
derivationally related 109629065 - religionist
hyponym 108082602 - Christian_church, church
hyponym 108094013 - Hebraism, Jewish_religion, Judaism
hyponym 108096624 - Hindooism, Hinduism
hyponym 108098346 - Taoism
hyponym 108098708 - Buddhism
hyponym 108099825 - Khalsa
hyponym 108100033 - Church_of_Scientology, Scientology
hyponym 108100320 - Shinto
hyponym 108100778 - established_church
hyponym 108149781 - religious_order, religious_sect, sect
hyponym 108151229 - cult
hyponym 108151490 - cult
member topic 200823129 - canonise, canonize, saint
member topic 201527877 - exorcise, exorcize
member topic 202474603 - confirm
member topic 202474780 - covenant
member topic 202551602 - deliver, redeem, save

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