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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107911677

Words: cocktail

Gloss: a short mixed drink

hypernym 107911371 - mixed_drink
hyponym 107913393 - Bloody_Mary
hyponym 107913644 - bullshot
hyponym 107914413 - daiquiri, rum_cocktail
hyponym 107914995 - gimlet
hyponym 107915213 - grasshopper
hyponym 107915366 - Harvey_Wallbanger
hyponym 107915618 - manhattan
hyponym 107915918 - margarita
hyponym 107916041 - martini
hyponym 107916183 - gin_and_it
hyponym 107916437 - old_fashioned
hyponym 107916582 - pink_lady
hyponym 107917133 - Sazerac
hyponym 107917272 - screwdriver
hyponym 107917392 - sidecar
hyponym 107918028 - sour
hyponym 107918309 - stinger
hyponym 107931452 - planter's_punch
hyponym 107931612 - White_Russian

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