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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105249636

Words: opening, orifice, porta

Gloss: an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity; "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart"

hypernym 105248181 - passage, passageway
derivationally related 202744651 - open
derivationally related 202358034 - afford, give, open
hyponym 101323901 - vent
hyponym 101463115 - blastopore
hyponym 105246089 - aortic_orifice
hyponym 105246215 - stoma
hyponym 105250190 - porta_hepatis
hyponym 105250310 - spiracle
hyponym 105301908 - mouth
hyponym 105302422 - os
hyponym 105303232 - cervix, cervix_uteri, uterine_cervix
hyponym 105325378 - fenestra
hyponym 105396229 - cardia
hyponym 105512505 - introitus
hyponym 105512670 - external_orifice, urethral_orifice
hyponym 105535095 - pylorus
hyponym 105538016 - anus
hyponym 105545212 - fontanel, fontanelle, soft_spot
hyponym 105600431 - naris
hyponym 105610008 - rima

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