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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105230603

Words: craniometric_point

Gloss: a landmark on the skull from which craniometric measurements can be taken

hypernym 105230357 - landmark
part holonym 105540121 - skull
hyponym 105231264 - acanthion
hyponym 105231397 - asterion
hyponym 105231592 - auricular_point, auriculare
hyponym 105231769 - bregma
hyponym 105231940 - condylion
hyponym 105232074 - coronion
hyponym 105232221 - crotaphion
hyponym 105232345 - dacryon
hyponym 105232503 - entomion
hyponym 105232691 - glabella, mesophyron
hyponym 105232972 - gnathion
hyponym 105233100 - gonion
hyponym 105233238 - inion
hyponym 105233420 - jugal_point, jugale
hyponym 105233601 - lambda
hyponym 105233875 - mastoidale
hyponym 105234016 - metopion
hyponym 105234162 - nasion
hyponym 105234315 - obelion
hyponym 105234438 - ophryon
hyponym 105234593 - orbital_point, orbitale
hyponym 105234737 - pogonion
hyponym 105234911 - alveolar_point, prostheon, prosthion
hyponym 105235100 - pterion
hyponym 105235217 - rhinion
hyponym 105235350 - sphenion
hyponym 105235461 - stephanion
hyponym 105235607 - symphysion

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