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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102441326

Words: mustelid, musteline, musteline_mammal

Gloss: fissiped fur-bearing carnivorous mammals

hypernym 102075296 - carnivore
member holonym 102440705 - Mustelidae, family_Mustelidae
hyponym 102441942 - weasel
hyponym 102442845 - mink
hyponym 102443114 - Mustela_putorius, fitch, foulmart, foumart, polecat
hyponym 102443484 - Mustela_nigripes, black-footed_ferret, ferret
hyponym 102444819 - otter
hyponym 102445394 - Enhydra_lutris, sea_otter
hyponym 102445715 - polecat, skunk, wood_pussy
hyponym 102447366 - badger
hyponym 102448318 - Mellivora_capensis, honey_badger, ratel
hyponym 102449183 - Gulo_luscus, carcajou, skunk_bear, wolverine
hyponym 102449350 - Gulo_gulo, glutton, wolverine
hyponym 102449699 - Galictis_vittatus, Grison_vittatus, grison
hyponym 102450034 - marten, marten_cat
hyponym 102451415 - Eira_barbara, taira, tayra

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