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According to WordNet, the verb "uprise" has 8 sense(s).

200018158 get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night".

201990562 ascend as a sound; "The choirs singing uprose and filled the church".

201983264 rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded".

202624263 come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose".

200098770 return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise".

201983597 rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!".

201970348 come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends".

201968569 move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows".

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