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According to WordNet, the verb "point" has 14 sense(s).

201152214 direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me".

200392960 give a point to; "The candles are tapered".

202713184 be oriented; "The weather vane points North"; "the dancers toes pointed outward".

200921300 be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued".

201150559 intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself".

200261957 repair the joints of bricks; "point a chimney".

201152670 be positionable in a specified manner; "The gun points with ease".

201931768 direct the course; determine the direction of travelling.

201589363 mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics.

201589224 mark with diacritics; "point the letter".

201589056 mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes.

200923793 indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents".

200924255 indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck".

201928154 sail close to the wind.

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