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BodyPart1194A collection of Cells and Tissues which are localized to a specific area of an Organism and w...^
    Bone272Parts of the body that are made up of BoneTissue.^
        RibBone28One of the Collection of Bones that form the Chest of an Animal, surrounding the Heart an...^
        Tooth.Part of the Mouth, used for biting and chewing.^
        Horn.An outgrowth of Bone that is found on some HoofedMammals.^
        Ivory.A very hard substance that makes up the tusks of elephants and walruses.^
        HeadBone41head bone^
        ThroatBone1throat bone^
        ShoulderGirdleBone6shoulder girdle bone^
        ThoraxBone58thorax bone^
        ArmBone77arm bone^
        PelvicBone2pelvic bone^
        LegBone12leg bone^
        FootBone33foot bone^
        Phalanx58Bones of the digits of Primates, either that of a Finger or Toe.^

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