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Relation: subclass

Motion426Any Process of movement.^
    Radiating63Processes in which some form of electromagnetic radiation, e.g. radio waves, light waves, electrica...^
        Reflecting1Any instance of Radiating where the radiated waves rebound from a surface, e.g. an echo of sound ...^
        RadiatingInfrared.Any instance of Radiating where the wavelengths are longer than those of visible light and shor...^
        Lightning.A WeatherProcess which involves a significant release of electricity from a Cloud.^
        Explosion1Any sudden and massive release of energy that is the product of a chemical reaction.^
        RadiatingSound38The subclass of Radiating in which sound waves are given off or absorbed. Some examples include...^
        RadiatingElectromagnetic19RadiatingElectromagnetic is the subclass of Radiating processes in which electromagnetic radiat...^
        RadiatingNuclear.Releasing atomic energy, i.e. energy from a nuclear reaction.^

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