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Communication156A SocialInteraction that involves the transfer of information between two or more CognitiveAgen...^
    Expressing9Instances of this Class express a state of the agent.For example, Jane thanked Barbara for the ...^
        ExpressingApproval2Expressing favor about a physical thing or a state of affairs.^
        ExpressingDisapproval2Expressing disfavor about a physical thing or a state of affairs.^
        ExpressingFarewell.Any instance of Expressing an acknowledgment of a person's departure. Note that this class is not...^
        ExpressingInLanguage1Any instance of Expressing that is also an instance of LinguisticCommunication, e.g. thanking s...^
        Greeting.Any instance of Expressing an acknowledgment of a person's arrival. Note that this class is not a...^

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