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Product142An Artifact that is produced by Manufacture.^
EngineeringComponent232A fundamental concept that applies in many engineering domains. An EngineeringComponent is an ele...^
    ComputerHardware81The hardware is the physical part of a computer system.^
        HardwareSystem.The class of hardware systems is the connection of three types of physical modules: instances of ...^
        ComputerInputDevice67A peripheral device that generates input for the computer such as a keyboard, scanner, or mouse.^
        ComputerOutputDevice30Any peripheral that presents output from the computer, such as a screen or printer.^
        ComputerComponent14An instance of ComputerComponent is a piece of computer hardware that has measurable performance ...^
        Sensor1Sensors include software that measures any attribute of executing computer programs or collection...^

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners