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BodyPart1194A collection of Cells and Tissues which are localized to a specific area of an Organism and w...^
    Organ39A somewhat independent BodyPart that performs a specialized function. Note that this functional d...^
        VocalCords.The vocal cords, are composed of two folds of mucous membrane stretched horizontally across the lar...^
        PlantLeaf.An Organ of Plants whose main purpose is photosynthesis.^
        PlantRoot.An Organ of Plants whose main purpose is twofold, viz. to absorb Nutrient and Water; and to...^
        Flower.The reproductive organ of FloweringPlants.^
        PlantStem.The structural part of Plants above the PlantRoot. It support and elevate the PlantLeaf, ...^
        PlantSpinoseStructure.A PlantSpinoseStructure is either a thorn, a spine or a prinkle. They are rigid parts of a Plan...^
        PlantAreole.In botany, PlantAreoles are bumps on Cactus from which clusters of spines grow.^
        SpinalColumn.A flexible column made out of bones called vertebrae. The main function of the SpinalColumn is to...^
        SpinalCord.A cord of nerves that carries impulses to and from the Brain. It is contained within the Spinal...^
        Retina.A membrane that covers the Eye and converts the image formed by the lens of the Eye into neuroc...^
        Bladder.An Organ that holds Urine produced by the Kidneys prior to Urination.^
        Spleen.An Organ on the left side of the body that produces Cells that play a crucial role in immune re...^
        NervousSystem.A system in Vertebrates that is made up of the Brain, the spinal cord, nerves, etc.^
        VitalOrgan6An Organ of the body, without which, even for a short time, life is not possible, at least withou...^
        Gallbladder.In vertebrates, the gallbladder, also known as the cholecyst, is a small hollow organ where Bile ...^
        Pancreas.The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates. In humans, it...^
        Stomach.A muscular sac that is the principal organ of digestion.^
        Rectum.The rectum is part of the GastroIntestinalTract, which is the path that Food takes from the M...^
        Eye.The Organ of sight.^
        Ear.The Organ of Hearing.^
        EyeIris.The iris is a thin, circular structure in the Eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and s...^
        Nose.The Organ of Smelling.^
        Breast1The paired Organs which are part of the chests of Primates.^
        Gland9An Organ that removes Substances from the Blood,alters them in some way, and then releases th...^

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