

(partition HumanLanguage NaturalLanguage ConstructedLanguage) Merge.kif 1447-1447 Human language is exhaustively partitioned into natural language and constructed language
(partition HumanLanguage SpokenHumanLanguage ManualHumanLanguage) Merge.kif 1448-1448 Human language is exhaustively partitioned into spoken human language and manual human language
(partition Integer NegativeInteger NonnegativeInteger) Merge.kif 1956-1956 Integer is exhaustively partitioned into negative integer and nonnegative integer
(partition Integer OddInteger EvenInteger) Merge.kif 1955-1955 Integer is exhaustively partitioned into odd integer and even integer
(partition LiquidMixture Solution Suspension) Merge.kif 14710-14710 Liquid mixture is exhaustively partitioned into solution and suspension
(partition LowPressureWeatherSystem HighPressureWeatherSystem) Weather.kif 541-541 Low pressure weather system is exhaustively partitioned into high pressure weather system
(partition MakingMusic MakingInstrumentalMusic MakingVocalMusic) Merge.kif 13703-13703 Making music is exhaustively partitioned into instrumental music and singing
(partition NarrativeText FictionalText HistoricalAccount) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14925-14925 Narrative text is exhaustively partitioned into fictional text and historical account
(partition Number RealNumber ImaginaryNumber ComplexNumber) Merge.kif 1825-1825 Number is exhaustively partitioned into real number, imaginary number, and complex number
(partition OrganicObject Organism AnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14348-14348 Organic object is exhaustively partitioned into organism and anatomical structure
(partition Organism Animal Plant Fungus Microorganism) Merge.kif 14357-14357 Organism is exhaustively partitioned into animal, plant, fungus, and microorganism
(partition ParticulateMatter CoarseParticulateMatter FineParticulateMatter) Geography.kif 7405-7405 PM is exhaustively partitioned into PM10 and PM2.5
(partition Phalanx ToeBone FingerBone) Anatomy.kif 1286-1286 Phalanx is exhaustively partitioned into toe bone and finger bone
(partition Physical Object Process) Merge.kif 833-833 Physical is exhaustively partitioned into object and process
(partition PhysicalQuantity ConstantQuantity FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2026-2026 Physical quantity is exhaustively partitioned into constant quantity and function quantity
(partition PlaceOfCommerce CommercialBuilding CommercialUnit) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7030-7030 Place of commerce is exhaustively partitioned into commercial building and commercial unit
(partition PoliticoEconomicAttribute FormOfGovernment EconomicAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19537-19537 Politico economic attribute is exhaustively partitioned into form of government and economic attribute
(partition PostSecondarySchool JuniorCollege College University) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16723-16723 Post secondary school is exhaustively partitioned into junior college, college, and university
(partition ProteinStructuralAttribute ProteinStructuralAttributeComposite ProteinStructuralAttributePrimitive) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 314-314 Protein structural attribute is exhaustively partitioned into protein structural attribute composite and protein structural attribute primitive
(partition PsychologicalAttribute StateOfMind TraitAttribute) Merge.kif 18258-18258 Psychological attribute is exhaustively partitioned into state of mind and trait attribute
(partition PureSubstance CompoundSubstance ElementalSubstance) Merge.kif 1085-1085 Pure substance is exhaustively partitioned into compound substance and elemental substance
(partition Quantity FiniteQuantity InfiniteQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2872-2872 Quantity is exhaustively partitioned into finite quantity and infinite quantity
(partition QuantityChange Increasing Decreasing) Merge.kif 10873-10873 Quantity change is exhaustively partitioned into increasing and decreasing
(partition RadioactiveWeapon NuclearWeapon RadiologicalWeapon) WMD.kif 648-648 Radioactive weapon is exhaustively partitioned into nuclear weapon and radiological weapon
(partition RealNumber NegativeRealNumber NonnegativeRealNumber) Merge.kif 1892-1892 Real number is exhaustively partitioned into negative real number and nonnegative real number

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners