

(formerName "Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization" InternationalMaritimeOrganization) Government.kif 3553-3553 "Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization" 是对于 国际海事组织former name
(formerName "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" WorldConfederationOfLabor) Government.kif 4327-4327 "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" 是对于 世界劳工联合会former name
(formerName "International Hydrographic Bureau" InternationalHydrographicOrganization) Government.kif 3534-3534 "International Hydrographic Bureau" 是对于 国际水文组织former name
(formerName "International Telegraph Union" InternationalTelecommunicationUnion) Government.kif 3611-3611 "International Telegraph Union" 是对于 国际电信联盟former name
(formerName "International Union of American Republics" OrganizationOfAmericanStates) Government.kif 3751-3751 "International Union of American Republics" 是对于 美国各州的组织former name
(formerName "LORCS" InternationalFederationOfRedCrossAndRedCrescentSocieties) Government.kif 3507-3507 "LORCS" 是对于 国际红十字会和红新月会联合会former name
(formerName "League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies" InternationalFederationOfRedCrossAndRedCrescentSocieties) Government.kif 3506-3506 "League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies" 是对于 国际红十字会和红新月会联合会former name
(formerName "London Group" NuclearSuppliersGroup) Government.kif 3698-3698 "London Group" 是对于 核供应国集团former name
(formerName "London Suppliers Group" NuclearSuppliersGroup) Government.kif 3697-3697 "London Suppliers Group" 是对于 核供应国集团former name
(formerName "NIC" NewlyIndustrializingEconomy) Economy.kif 363-363 "NIC" 是对于 新兴工业化经济former name
(formerName "New Hebrides" Vanuatu) CountriesAndRegions.kif 4228-4228 "New Hebrides" 是对于 瓦努阿图former name
(formerName "Newly Industrializing Countries" NewlyIndustrializingEconomy) Economy.kif 362-362 "Newly Industrializing Countries" 是对于 新兴工业化经济former name
(formerName "North Atlantic Cooperation Council" EuroAtlanticPartnershipCouncil) Government.kif 3156-3156 "North Atlantic Cooperation Council" 是对于 欧洲大西洋伙伴关系委员会former name
(formerName "Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe" InternationalOrganizationForMigration) Government.kif 3582-3582 "Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe" 是对于 国际移民组织former name
(formerName "Quadrilateral Initiative" CentralEuropeanInitiative) Government.kif 2963-2963 "Quadrilateral Initiative" 是对于 中欧倡议former name
(formerName "SADCC" SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity) Government.kif 3856-3856 "SADCC" 是对于 南部非洲发展社区former name
(formerName "SPC" PacificCommunity) Government.kif 3794-3794 "SPC" 是对于 太平洋社区former name
(formerName "Second World" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) Economy.kif 186-186 "Second World" 是对于 前苏联或东欧国家former name
(formerName "South Pacific Commission" PacificCommunity) Government.kif 3793-3793 "South Pacific Commission" 是对于 太平洋社区former name
(formerName "South Pacific Forum" PacificIslandForum) Government.kif 3801-3801 "South Pacific Forum" 是对于 太平洋岛屿论坛former name
(formerName "Southern African Development Coordination Conference" SouthernAfricanDevelopmentCommunity) Government.kif 3855-3855 "Southern African Development Coordination Conference" 是对于 南部非洲发展社区former name
(formerName "Third World" LessDevelopedCountry) Economy.kif 208-208 "Third World" 是对于 较未发达国家former name
(formerName "UDEAC" MonetaryAndEconomicCommunityOfCentralAfrica) Government.kif 3649-3649 "UDEAC" 是对于 中非货币和经济共同体former name
(formerName "UN Fund for Population Activities" UnitedNationsPopulationFund) Government.kif 4135-4135 "UN Fund for Population Activities" 是对于 联合国人口基金former name
(formerName "UN International Childrens Emergency Fund" UnitedNationsChildrensFund) Government.kif 3889-3889 "UN International Childrens Emergency Fund" 是对于 联合国儿童基金会former name

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