

    (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Taoist)
    (member ?INDIVIDUAL Taoism))
People.kif 1502-1504 客体attribute 若且唯若 那个 客体道教member
    (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Zoroastrian)
    (member ?INDIVIDUAL Zoroastrianism))
People.kif 1517-1519 拜火教 客体attribute 若且唯若 那个 客体拜火教member
    (attribute ?MUSIC PolyphonicMusic)
    (exists (?PART1 ?PART2)
            (instance ?MUSIC MakingMusic)
            (instance ?PART1 MakingMusic)
            (instance ?PART2 MakingMusic)
            (subProcess ?PART1 ?MUSIC)
            (subProcess ?PART2 ?MUSIC)
                (equal ?PART1 ?PART2))
            (cooccur ?PART1 ?MUSIC)
            (cooccur ?PART2 ?MUSIC))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 751-762 和弦音乐 客体attribute 若且唯若 有存在 过程另一个 过程 这样 那个 客体制作音乐instance那个 过程制作音乐instance那个 另外 过程制作音乐instance那个 过程%n是那个 客体subProcess那个 另外 过程%n是那个 客体subProcess那个 过程equal 那个 另外 过程那个 过程那个 客体 同时发生 和 那个 另外 过程那个 客体 同时发生
    (attribute ?Q Queen)
        (attribute ?Q QueenRegnant)
        (attribute ?Q QueenConsort)))
Government.kif 1400-1404 女王 客体attribute 若且唯若 QueenRegnant那个 客体attributeQueenConsort那个 客体attribute
    (attribute ?WATER OpenSea)
    (exists (?LAND ?DIST)
            (instance ?WATER SaltWaterArea)
                (instance ?WATER LandlockedWater))
            (distance ?LAND ?WATER
                (MeasureFn ?DIST NauticalMile))
            (greaterThan ?DIST 5.0))))
Geography.kif 4711-4720 公海 客体attribute 若且唯若 有存在 物理 实数 这样 那个 客体盐水区instance那个 客体 不 是 内陆水域instance那个 物理那个 客体distance那个 实数 海里那个 实数greaterThan 5.0
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?A Barefoot))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?S)
                    (instance ?S Shoe)
                    (wears ?A ?S))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30132-30140 Barefoot 实体attribute 时间位置 holdsDuring 若且唯若 不存在 另一个 实体 这样 那个 另外 实体instance那个 实体 wears 那个 另外 实体那个 时间位置 holdsDuring
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?A Naked))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?C)
                    (instance ?C Clothing)
                    (wears ?A ?C))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30145-30153 Naked 实体attribute 时间位置 holdsDuring 若且唯若 不存在 另一个 实体 这样 那个 另外 实体服装instance那个 实体 wears 那个 另外 实体那个 时间位置 holdsDuring
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H Alone))
        (exists (?H2 ?SI)
                    (equal ?H ?H2))
                (instance ?H2 AutonomousAgent)
                (instance ?SI SocialInteraction)
                    (WhenFn ?SI) ?T)
                (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H)
                (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30223-30236 Alone 实体attribute 时距 holdsDuring 若且唯若 不存在 那个 实体2 和 过程 这样 那个 实体equal 那个 实体2 和 那个 实体2 是 施事体instance那个 过程社交instance那个 过程 出现 的 time那个 时距 时段内发生 和 那个 实体 是事件 那个 过程involved那个 实体2 是事件 那个 过程involved
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?P Mute))
        (exists (?S)
                (instance ?S Speaking)
                    (WhenFn ?S) ?T)
                (agent ?S ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30271-30279 Mute 施事体attribute 时距 holdsDuring 若且唯若 不存在 过程 这样 那个 过程说话instance那个 过程 出现 的 time那个 时距 时段内发生 和 那个 施事体那个 过程agent
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (attribute ?AGENT LegalAgent))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (capability LegalAction agent ?AGENT)
            (capability LegalAction patient ?AGENT))))
Merge.kif 1601-1607 LegalAgent 实体attribute 时间位置 holdsDuring 若且唯若 那个 实体 能够担当 主事 的角色做 法律诉讼那个 实体 能够担当 受事 的角色做 法律诉讼那个 时间位置 holdsDuring
            (GovernmentFn ?AREA) ?TYPE)
        (instance ?TYPE FormOfGovernment))
    (governmentType ?AREA ?TYPE))
Government.kif 148-152
        (attribute ?A ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR AlbumAttribute))
    (instance ?A Album))
Music.kif 478-482
        (attribute ?A AppraisalAsJustTreatment)
        (instance ?AJT AppraisalProcess)
        (agent ?AJT ?A))
    (exists (?P ?A2)
            (instance ?P Process)
            (refers ?AJT ?P)
            (agent ?P ?A2)
                (equal ?A ?A2))
            (patient ?P ?A)
            (wants ?A ?P))))
emotion.kif 374-387
        (attribute ?A AppraisalAsUnjustTreatment)
        (instance ?AUJ AppraisalProcess)
        (agent ?AUJ ?A))
    (exists (?P ?A2)
            (instance ?P Process)
            (refers ?AUJ ?P)
            (agent ?P ?A2)
                (equal ?A ?A2))
            (patient ?P ?A)
                (wants ?A ?P)))))
emotion.kif 349-363
        (attribute ?A Founder)
        (instance ?A Human))
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC Founding)
            (agent ?PROC ?A))))
Biography.kif 223-230
        (attribute ?AC TwoFactorAuthentication)
        (loggedInDuring ?A ?AC ?T))
    (exists (?TF)
            (instance ?TF TwoFactorLoggingIn)
            (agent ?TF ?A)
            (accountUsed ?TF ?AC)
                (WhenFn ?TF) ?T))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4373-4382
        (attribute ?ACCT ?ATTR)
        (instance ?ATTR AccountAttribute))
    (instance ?ACCT UserAccount))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 648-652
        (attribute ?ACTOR VoiceActor)
        (instance ?DRAMA DramaticActing)
        (agent ?DRAMA ?ACTOR)
        (instance ?SPEAK LinguisticCommunication)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?ACTOR)
        (subProcess ?SPEAK ?DRAMA))
            (exists (?S ?VIEWER)
                    (instance ?S Seeing)
                    (patient ?S ?ACTOR)
                    (agent ?S ?VIEWER))))
        (exists (?H ?VIEWER)
                (instance ?H Hearing)
                (patient ?H ?ACTOR)
                (agent ?H ?VIEWER)))))
Biography.kif 757-776
        (attribute ?AGENT
            (MemberFn ?ORG))
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?ORG Organization))
    (member ?AGENT ?ORG))
Government.kif 1774-1779
        (attribute ?AREA CommunistState)
        (instance ?AREA Nation))
    (economyType ?AREA CentrallyPlannedEconomy))
Economy.kif 865-869
        (attribute ?AREA FlatTerrain)
        (part ?ZONE ?AREA)
        (slopeGradient ?ZONE ?SLOPE))
    (greaterThan 0.005 ?SLOPE))
Geography.kif 1754-1759
        (attribute ?AREA HighIncomeCountry)
            (member ?AREA OrganizationOfPetroleumExportingCountries)))
    (economyType ?AREA DevelopedCountry))
Economy.kif 506-510
        (attribute ?AREA LowTerrain)
        (part ?ZONE ?AREA)
        (slopeGradient ?ZONE ?SLOPE))
    (greaterThan 0.03 ?SLOPE))
Geography.kif 1766-1771
        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (exists (?GAME)
            (instance ?GAME Sport)
            (contestParticipant ?GAME ?ATHLETE))))
Sports.kif 1363-1370
        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (hasSkill Sport ?ATHLETE))
Sports.kif 1357-1361

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