

(instance Zimbabwe Nation) CountriesAndRegions.kif 187-187 Zimbabwe is an instance of nation
(subclass EuropeanNation Nation) CountriesAndRegions.kif 73-73 European nation is a subclass of nation
(subclass HostNation Nation) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1349-1349 Host nation is a subclass of nation
(subclass IndependentState Nation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8009-8009 Independent state is a subclass of nation
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Nation "国家") chinese_format.kif 958-958
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Nation "nation") english_format.kif 1123-1123
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Nation "nation") french_format.kif 634-634
(termFormat Hindi Nation "raashtra") terms-hindi.txt 165-165
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Nation "Nazione") terms-it.txt 168-168
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Nation "国民") japanese_format.kif 2319-2319
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Nation "Nacao") portuguese_format.kif 586-586
(termFormat cz Nation "nation") terms-cz.txt 202-202
(termFormat ro Nation "naþiune") relations-ro.kif 655-655
(termFormat tg Nation "bansa") terms-tg.txt 169-169

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