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Wood (wood) webPageURL (url)
WoodChipsCarrierShip (wood chips carrier ship) webPurchases (web purchases)
WoodContainerAndPalletManufacturing (wood container and pallet manufacturing) webSales (web sales)
WoodKitchenCabinetAndCountertopManufacturing (wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing) webSeller (web seller)
WoodOfficeFurnitureManufacturing (wood office furniture manufacturing) webStoreAdvertisement (web store advertisement)
WoodPreservation (wood preservation) webVisitor (web visitor)
WoodProduct (wood product) webcart (web cart)
WoodProductManufacturing (wood product manufacturing) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
WoodTelevisionRadioAndSewingMachineCabinetManufacturing (wood television radio and sewing machine cabinet manufacturing) weddingdate (weddingdate)
WoodWindowAndDoorManufacturing (wood window and door manufacturing) weight (weight)
WoodenArtifact (wood artifact) width (width)
WoodyFlavour (woody flavour) wife (wife)
WoodyPlant (WoodyPlant) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
Wool (wool) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
Word (word) witness (witness)
Wordmark wordmark
WorkLeave (work leave) workAddress (work address)
WorkerInsect (worker insect) workLocation (work location)
Working (working) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
Workshop (workshop) year (year)
WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel (world bankGNI per capita level) yearBuilt (year built)
WorldBankGroup (world bank group) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
WorldConfederationOfLabor (world confederation of labor) yield (yield)
WorldCustomsOrganization (world customs organization) yieldLevel (yield level)
WorldFederationOfTradeUnions (world federation of trade unions) ()
WorldFoodProgram (world food program) ()
WorldHealthOrganization (world health organization) ()
WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization (world intellectual property organization) ()
WorldLaborIssues (world labor issues) ()
WorldMeteorologicalOrganization (world meteorological organization) ()
WorldOcean (world ocean) ()
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