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Sigma KEE - Requesting
Requesting(requesting)adjuration, adjuratory, adjure, admonish, advance, advice, advise, advocate, allure, appeal, apply, approach, ask, ask_out, ask_over, ask_round, asking, assess, badger, bear_on, beep, beg, beg_off, beggary, begging, benediction, beseech, beseeching, besiege, bespeak, bid, bidding, bill, billing, blarney, blessing, book_up, bring, bring_around, bring_round, bum, buttonhole, buyout_bid, buzz, by-bid, cadge, cajole, call, call-out, call_for...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Requesting ChineseLanguage "这是一个请求,它表示希望在未来执行某种行动。例如:第五营 要求第三轰炸机组提供空中支援。注:这个类别包括提议、提案和建议等等。") chinese_format.kif 3270-3271
(documentation Requesting EnglishLanguage "A request expresses a desire that some future action be performed. For example, the 5th Battalion requested air support from the 3rd Bomber Group. Note that this class covers proposals, recommendations, suggestions, etc.") Merge.kif 13241-13244
(subclass Requesting Directing) Merge.kif 13240-13240 Requesting is a subclass of directing

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Bidding Requesting) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1347-1347 Bidding is a subclass of requesting
(subclass LegalAppeal Requesting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16146-16146 Legal appeal is a subclass of requesting
(subclass Praying Requesting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8031-8031 Praying is a subclass of requesting
(subclass Prompting Requesting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29756-29756 Prompting is a subclass of requesting
(subclass Reminding Requesting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 837-837 Reminding is a subclass of requesting
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Requesting "要求") chinese_format.kif 1201-1201
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Requesting "requesting") english_format.kif 1619-1619
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Requesting "demander") french_format.kif 879-879
(termFormat Hindi Requesting "praarthanaa karanaa") terms-hindi.txt 412-412
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Requesting "Richiedere") terms-it.txt 415-415
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Requesting "要求") japanese_format.kif 2563-2563
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Requesting "Pedir") portuguese_format.kif 831-831
(termFormat cb Requesting "paghangyo") terms-cb.txt 417-417
(termFormat cz Requesting "requesting") terms-cz.txt 451-451
(termFormat ro Requesting "cerere") relations-ro.kif 900-900
(termFormat tg Requesting "naghihiling") terms-tg.txt 416-416


        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?PAGE WebPage)
        (instance ?TRANSFER DataTransfer)
        (instance ?SERVER Server)
        (instance ?REQUESTING Requesting)
        (instance ?BROWSER WebBrowser)
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (patient ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
        (agent ?REQUESTING ?BROWSER)
        (destination ?REQUESTING ?SERVER)
        (patient ?REQUESTING ?PAGE)
        (origin ?TRANSFER ?SERVER)
        (destination ?TRANSFER ?BROWSER)
        (patient ?TRANSFER ?PAGE)
        (subProcess ?TRANSFER ?ACCESSING)
        (subProcess ?REQUESTING ?ACCESSING)
                (WhenFn ?REQUESTING))
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL))
                (WhenFn ?TRANSFER))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL)))
        (SiteSpeedFn ?ACCESSING) ?INTERVAL))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3759-3784
        (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
        (agent ?REQUEST ?AGENT)
        (patient ?REQUEST ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
    (desires ?AGENT ?FORMULA))
Merge.kif 13246-13252
        (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
        (result ?REQUEST ?SENTENCE)
        (instance ?SENTENCE Sentence))
    (instance ?SENTENCE Request))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14303-14308


        (instance ?PLANNING OperationPlanning)
        (agent ?PLANNING ?COMMANDER))
            (instance ?COMMANDER CombatantCommander)
            (exists (?REQUEST ?CHAIRMAN)
                    (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
                    (agent ?REQUEST ?CHAIRMAN)
                    (attribute ?CHAIRMAN ChairmanJCS)
                    (causes ?REQUEST ?PLANNING))))
            (instance ?COMMANDER SubunifiedCommander)
                    (instance ?REQUEST Requesting)
                    (agent ?REQUEST ?COMMANDERSUPER)
                    (attribute ?COMMANDERSUPER MilitaryCommander)
                    (subordinatePosition ?MILITARY ?COMMANDER ?COMMANDERSUPER)
                    (instance ?MILITARY MilitaryForce)
                    (causes ?REQUEST ?PLANNING))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1582-1604
        (instance ?S Spamming)
        (result ?S ?SPAM)
        (instance ?S Spam)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (destination ?S ?H))
        (exists (?R)
                (instance ?R Requesting)
                (patient ?R ?SPAM)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4197-4208
    (instance ?GROUP PoliticalPressureGroup)
    (exists (?REQ ?ORG)
            (instance ?REQ Requesting)
            (agent ?REQ ?GROUP)
            (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization)
            (patient ?REQ ?ORG))))
Government.kif 2317-2324
    (instance ?SVC RoomService)
            (customer ?CUSTOMER ?AGENT)
            (agent ?SVC ?AGENT)
            (instance ?RQST Requesting)
            (agent ?RQST ?CUSTOMER)
            (patient ?RQST ?ORDER)
            (represents ?ORDER ?FOOD)
            (instance ?FOOD PreparedFood)
            (located ?CUSTOMER ?LOC)
            (instance ?LOC HotelUnit)
            (instance ?DELIVERY DeliveryService)
            (patient ?DELIVERY ?FOOD)
            (destination ?DELIVERY ?LOC)
                    (WhenFn ?RQST))
                    (WhenFn ?DELIVERY))))))
Hotel.kif 1969-1987

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