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Sigma KEE - LegalAction
LegalAction(legal action)action, action_at_law, antitrust_case, appear, bastardy_proceeding, break_up, bring, case, causa, cause, cause_of_action, challenge, charge, civil_action, civil_suit, claim, class-action_suit, class_action, counterclaim, countersuit, criminal_prosecution, criminal_suit, custody_battle, custody_case, defend, deny, dissolve, docket, double_jeopardy, file, foreclose, get_off, institute, invalidate, judicial_proceeding, lawsuit, legal_action, legal_proceeding, lis_pendens, litigate, litigation, lodge, moot, nol.pros., nolle_pros, nolle_prosequi, paternity_suit, pretension, proceeding, proceedings...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation LegalAction ChineseLanguage "这是当一个 CognitiveAgent 寻求通过法庭去得到一些 东西的任何的 Process。") chinese_format.kif 3299-3300
(documentation LegalAction EnglishLanguage "Any Process where a CognitiveAgent seeks to obtain something through a court of law.") Merge.kif 13428-13429
(subclass LegalAction Contest) Merge.kif 13427-13427 Legal action is a subclass of contest

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass LegalCharge LegalAction) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16135-16135 Legal charge is a subclass of legal action
(subclass PlacingUnderArrest LegalAction) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23523-23523 Placing under arrest is a subclass of legal action
(termFormat ChineseLanguage LegalAction "法律诉讼") chinese_format.kif 1214-1214
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LegalAction "legal action") english_format.kif 1649-1649
(termFormat FrenchLanguage LegalAction "action l�gale") french_format.kif 892-892
(termFormat Hindi LegalAction "kaanunii kaarya") terms-hindi.txt 425-425
(termFormat ItalianLanguage LegalAction "AzioneLegale") terms-it.txt 428-428
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage LegalAction "訴訟") japanese_format.kif 2576-2576
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage LegalAction "Acao Legal") portuguese_format.kif 844-844
(termFormat cb LegalAction "kalihukang subay sa balaod") terms-cb.txt 430-430
(termFormat cz LegalAction "legal action") terms-cz.txt 464-464
(termFormat ro LegalAction "acþiune legalã") relations-ro.kif 913-913
(termFormat tg LegalAction "paraan ayon sa batas") terms-tg.txt 429-429

appearance as argument number 3

(domain attorney 1 LegalAction) Law.kif 445-445 The number 1 argument of attorney is an instance of legal action
(domain counselInCase 3 LegalAction) Law.kif 459-459 The number 3 argument of counsel in case is an instance of legal action
(domain defendant 1 LegalAction) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16290-16290 The number 1 argument of defendant is an instance of legal action
(domain defenseLawyer 1 LegalAction) Law.kif 282-282 The number 1 argument of defense lawyer is an instance of legal action
(domain evidence 1 LegalAction) Law.kif 177-177 The number 1 argument of evidence is an instance of legal action
(domain plaintiff 1 LegalAction) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16297-16297 The number 1 argument of plaintiff is an instance of legal action
(domain prosecutor 1 LegalAction) Law.kif 310-310 The number 1 argument of prosecutor is an instance of legal action
(domain witness 1 LegalAction) Law.kif 209-209 The number 1 argument of witness is an instance of legal action


        (instance ?AWARD LegalAward)
        (refers ?AWARD ?ACTION)
        (instance ?ACTION LegalAction)
        (agent ?ACTION ?PLAINTIFF))
        (exists (?GET ?OBJ ?VALUE)
                (instance ?GET Getting)
                (experiencer ?GET ?PLAINTIFF)
                (patient ?GET ?OBJ)
                (monetaryValue ?OBJ ?VALUE))) ?AWARD ?PLAINTIFF))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16227-16239
    (instance ?ACTION LegalAction)
    (exists (?REGISTER)
            (instance ?REGISTER Registering)
            (subProcess ?REGISTER ?ACTION))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 880-885


    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (attribute ?AGENT LegalAgent))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (capability LegalAction agent ?AGENT)
            (capability LegalAction patient ?AGENT))))
Merge.kif 1601-1607 Legal agent is an attribute of an entity holds during a time position if and only if the entity is capable of doing legal action as a agent or the entity is capable of doing legal action as a patient holds during the time position
        (property ?AGREEMENT Contract)
        (partyToAgreement ?AGENT1 ?AGREEMENT)
        (partyToAgreement ?AGENT2 ?AGREEMENT)
        (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
        (agent ?PROC ?AGENT1)
        (realization ?PROC ?PROP)
            (consistent ?PROP ?AGREEMENT)))
        (exists (?LEGAL)
                (instance ?LEGAL LegalAction)
                (plaintiff ?LEGAL ?AGENT2)
                (defendant ?LEGAL ?AGENT1))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14176-14190
    (instance ?DECISION LegalDecision)
    (exists (?ACTION)
            (instance ?ACTION LegalAction)
            (refers ?DECISION ?ACTION))))
Merge.kif 10828-10833

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