Learning(learning) | absorb, accommodation, acculturation, acquire, acquisition, alternate, appreciated, apprehended, apprentice, ascertain, assimilate, assimilation, attain, audio_lingual_acquisition, audit, beat_in, bone, bone_up, brainwash, breakthrough, breeding, bump, carry-over, catch_up, chance, chance_on, chance_upon, come_across, come_upon, committal_to_memory, comprehended, conclusion, cram, decision, determination, determine, determined, develop, developmental_learning, diagnosing, diagnosis, digestion, din, discover, discovery, disproof, drill, drill_in, drum, echo_sounding... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Learning ChineseLanguage "这是和获取信息有关 Process 的 Class。") | chinese_format.kif 3111-3111 | |
(documentation Learning EnglishLanguage "The Class of Processes which relate to the acquisition of information.") | Merge.kif 11986-11987 | |
(subclass Learning IntentionalPsychologicalProcess) | Merge.kif 11985-11985 | Learning is a subclass of intentional psychological process |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass Memorizing Learning) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 18248-18248 | Memorizing is a subclass of learning |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Learning "学习") | chinese_format.kif 1144-1144 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Learning "learning") | english_format.kif 1505-1505 | |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Learning "apprendre") | french_format.kif 822-822 | |
(termFormat Hindi Learning "adhyayana") | terms-hindi.txt 354-354 | |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Learning "Apprendere") | terms-it.txt 357-357 | |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Learning "学習") | japanese_format.kif 2506-2506 | |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Learning "Aprender") | portuguese_format.kif 774-774 | |
(termFormat cb Learning "pagkahibalo") | terms-cb.txt 359-359 | |
(termFormat cz Learning "learning") | terms-cz.txt 393-393 | |
(termFormat ro Learning "învãþare") | relations-ro.kif 843-843 | |
(termFormat tg Learning "nagaaral") | terms-tg.txt 358-358 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?LEARN Learning) (agent ?LEARN ?AGENT) (patient ?LEARN ?PROP)) (and (holdsDuring (BeginFn (WhenFn ?LEARN)) (not (knows ?AGENT ?PROP))) (holdsDuring (EndFn (WhenFn ?LEARN)) (knows ?AGENT ?PROP)))) |
Merge.kif 11995-12002 |
(=> (and (instance ?LEARN Learning) (agent ?LEARN ?AGENT)) (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)) |
Merge.kif 11989-11993 |
consequent |