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Sigma KEE - BiologicalProcess
BiologicalProcess(biological process)Fere_phenomenon, GSR, SNP, Tarchanoff_phenomenon, ache, activity, affinity, aftereffect, allergen, alternation_of_generations, anamorphic, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anaphase, anaphasic, animate, antagonism, anthropogenesis, anthropogeny, antisepsis, arouse, asepsis, atavism, autolysis, bacteriolysis, bacterise, bacterize, biochemical_mechanism, biogenesis, biogenic, biogenous, biological_process, biology, biosynthesis, black_out, blistering, blow, bodily_function, bodily_process, body_process, brace, caenogenesis, cainogenesis, cathect, cenogenesis, cenogenetic, climax, come_to, coming, compost...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BiologicalProcess ChineseLanguage "这是一个体现在一个 OrganismProcess。") chinese_format.kif 2895-2895
(documentation BiologicalProcess EnglishLanguage "A Process embodied in an Organism.") Merge.kif 10170-10170
(documentation BiologicalProcess JapaneseLanguage "Process は、Organism に組み込まれて いる。") japanese_format.kif 1643-1644
(subclass BiologicalProcess InternalChange) Merge.kif 10168-10168 Biological process is a subclass of internal change

appearance as argument number 2

(rangeSubclass ImpairmentFn BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 13516-13516 The values returned by impairment are subclasses of biological process
(subclass Fermentation BiologicalProcess) Food.kif 3542-3542 Fermentation is a subclass of biological process
(subclass Metabolism BiologicalProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10107-10107 Metabolising is a subclass of biological process
(subclass NerveFiring BiologicalProcess) Anatomy.kif 1899-1899 NerveFiring is a subclass of biological process
(subclass PathologicProcess BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 10420-10420 Pathologic process is a subclass of biological process
(subclass PhysiologicProcess BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 10194-10194 Physiologic process is a subclass of biological process
(subclass PsychologicalProcess BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 10407-10407 Psychological process is a subclass of biological process
(subclass ViralCellInvasion BiologicalProcess) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 16-16 Viral cell invasion is a subclass of biological process
(termFormat ChineseLanguage BiologicalProcess "生物过程") chinese_format.kif 1073-1073
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BiologicalProcess "biological process") english_format.kif 1357-1357
(termFormat FrenchLanguage BiologicalProcess "processus biologique") french_format.kif 751-751
(termFormat Hindi BiologicalProcess "jEvika prakriyaa ") terms-hindi.txt 283-283
(termFormat ItalianLanguage BiologicalProcess "ProcesoBiologico") terms-it.txt 286-286
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage BiologicalProcess "生物学的プロセス") japanese_format.kif 2435-2435
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage BiologicalProcess "Processo Biologico") portuguese_format.kif 703-703
(termFormat cz BiologicalProcess "biological process") terms-cz.txt 322-322
(termFormat ro BiologicalProcess "proces biologic") relations-ro.kif 772-772
(termFormat tg BiologicalProcess "paraan ng buhay") terms-tg.txt 287-287

appearance as argument number 3

(domain lifeStageAchieved 1 BiologicalProcess) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 222-222 The number 1 argument of life stage achieved is an instance of biological process


        (instance ?PROC BiologicalProcess)
        (experiencer ?PROC ?ORG))
    (instance ?ORG Organism))
Merge.kif 10179-10183
    (instance ?PROC BiologicalProcess)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ Organism)
            (eventLocated ?PROC ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 10172-10177


        (instance ?ANI Animal)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?ANI ?D)))
    (exists (?P ?W)
            (instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
            (instance ?P Removing)
            (origin ?P ?ANI)
            (instance ?W Sewage)
            (agent ?P ?ANI)
            (objectTransferred ?P ?W))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2155-2168
        (instance ?G Gene)
        (located ?G ?C)
        (instance ?C Cell))
    (exists (?B ?N ?R)
            (instance ?B BiologicalProcess)
            (eventLocated ?B ?C)
            (origin ?B ?G)
            (result ?B ?N)
            (instance ?N Nucleotide)
            (part ?N ?R)
            (instance ?R RNAMolecule)
            (located ?R ?C))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 654-668
        (secretesSubstance ?O ?S)
        (instance ?I1 ?O))
    (exists (?P ?I2)
            (instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
            (eventLocated ?P ?I1)
            (result ?P ?I2)
            (instance ?I2 ?S))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12238-12247
    (instance ?AGENT ChemicalAgent)
                (instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
                (instance ?PROCESS BiologicalProcess)
                (instrument ?PROCESS ?ORGANISM)
                (result ?PROCESS ?SUBSTANCE)
                (copy ?SUBSTANCE ?AGENT)))))
WMD.kif 464-473
    (instance ?O Organism)
    (capability BiologicalProcess experiencer ?O))
Merge.kif 10190-10192
    (instance ?O Organism)
        (capability BiologicalProcess agent ?O)))
Merge.kif 10185-10188
    (instance ?S Cholesterol)
    (exists (?P ?L)
            (instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
            (eventLocated ?P ?L)
            (instance ?L Liver)
            (result ?P ?S))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8739-8746
    (instance ?SUBSTANCE Mycotoxin)
    (exists (?FUNGUS ?PROCESS)
            (instance ?FUNGUS FungalAgent)
            (instance ?PROCESS BiologicalProcess)
            (instrument ?PROCESS ?FUNGUS)
            (result ?PROCESS ?SUBSTANCE))))
WMD.kif 221-228
    (instance ?SUBSTANCE Toxin)
    (exists (?ORGANISM ?PROCESS)
            (instance ?ORGANISM ToxicOrganism)
            (instance ?PROCESS BiologicalProcess)
            (instrument ?PROCESS ?ORGANISM)
                (result ?PROCESS ?SUBSTANCE)
                (exists (?RESULT)
                        (result ?PROCESS ?RESULT)
                        (copy ?SUBSTANCE ?RESULT)))))))
WMD.kif 166-178
    (secretesToxin ?ORGANISM ?TOXIN)
    (forall (?INSTANCE1)
            (instance ?INSTANCE1 ?ORGANISM)
            (exists (?PROCESS ?INSTANCE2)
                    (instance ?PROCESS BiologicalProcess)
                    (experiencer ?PROCESS ?INSTANCE1)
                    (result ?PROCESS ?INSTANCE2)
                    (instance ?INSTANCE2 ?TOXIN))))))
WMD.kif 988-998

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